North Korea Video Response 2/11

Monica A.

Know: Going into this video, I already knew that North Korea had labor camps and that the conditions that they lived in was pretty bad and that guards really didn’t care what the prisoners went through since they were trained pretty harshly. I also knew that it is ruled by a very strict dictator and it’s a country that doesn’t have a good relationships Witt other countries.

Want to Know: I would like to know more about life outside of camps from a different perspective, like a woman or someone who has escaped to a different country.i would also,like to know at what time in North Korea’s history that affected it the most to become as extreme as it is now.

Learn: I learned that people in North Korea in general are brainwashed and that they really don’t know what is going on outside the bubble that they are made to live in. I didn’t know really what the people truly went through and seeing that man psychologically broken by the transition from living and seeing his friend die in the camp and then choosing to escape with that little window of opportunity really did break him down and making him miss the innocence he previously possessed. Also, he’ll never be truly free because he felt an odd comfort and security living in his home whereas in South Korea he feels like the people suffer more.

Question (Week of 2/4)

Discussion Question for February 4-February 8: What are some similarities between the political system of Luxembourg and a country in your region? (Look on Op Ed article on hte political system of Luxembourg?)

North Korea Video Reflection

1) Is there anything in the video that surprised you?
2) What else would you like to know about Korea?
3) How should the United States deal with N. Korea? Should we get involved?

Kristen T.
The documentary following an optometrist into the North Korea gave an interesting look into the people there. Those suffering from Glaucoma, some who had been blind for years, showed comgplete gratitude to the “Great General” instead of the doctor who had healed them. Although there have been many allegations to the devotion the people have for Kim Jong-Il, but seeing them praise the supreme leader in a god-like fashion was suprising. It makes me wonder how this happened in North Korea. I feel that, because of North Korea’s stance against America we should handle them with caution, but not in a threatening manner.

Monica A.
In the documentary, the insight on North Korea gave me a new perspective on the lives of North Koreans. I was surprised about the state of the medical program in North Korea because the doctors that are allowed to treat patients don’t have much knowledge on how to use some of the tools and the condition of their equipment is bad as well. It also surprised me that the people still showed appreciation towards Kim Jong-Il when the doctor treated them and fixed their eyesight. I would like to know how the leader and officials of North Korea are able to have that type of control over their people since they control so many things in the lives of their people and also how the people haven’t revolted against their government. I don’t believe America should get involved because we have enough problems to deal with within our country and it wouldn’t help our tense relationship with North Korea to get involved in the way they run their government.


Discussion Question for January 28-February 1: In Luxembourg, how would foreigners that become citizens of that country react to the fact that they are not able to elect any council memebers or any officials taking part in the judiciary brach?